I had fallen in love with the idea of hotels the minute my young self set foot in one, and if you think about it, what is there not to love? For me, as a little kid, hotels were full of mystery, exploration and intrigue. There were always something new to discover, interesting people to meet and great people to talk to. In addition to this, it was the ultimate playground. Hotels had pools, ice cream that could be delivered right to your door and a TV with endless amounts of channels. In my opinion, nothing could get better than that.
And even as I got older, hotels still are my favorite places to be in. I always tell people that if I had a choice, I would live in a hotel. There's nothing more comforting to me than sleeping in a very well tucked bed with 500 thread count sheets and room service at the tip of your fingers. Call me strange, but I love it. It could be that I grew up knowing a lot about hotels, but I also think a big part of it are the adventures I always felt associated with being in one. And if you think about it, makes sense doesn't it?
Well, not to derive too much from my main post, but for those of you who have lived in a cave for the last 20 something years, Eloise is a children's book (eventually turned TV show, turned movie) that I grew up with. It's a story about a little girl (Eloise) who lives in one of the suites at the Plaza with her nanny and her dog. The series of books tell stories of her adventures in the luxurious hotel and all kinds of mischief she gets into. Needless to say, she was pretty much one of my favorite characters growing up.
So it was only normal that when I found out that Betsey Johnson, one of my favorite designers, was due to design an Eloise inspired suite at The Plaza Hotel itself, I screamed and scrambled to find a way to see if I could book the suite now. Of course, a little unrealistic, but I was pretty excited. Especially when the design is apparently going to stay true to the pink and black palette as seen in the Eloise series.
It won't be difficult to imagine the creativity Betsey Johnson will have for the room. After all, her pink apartment already speaks for what she can do in terms of interior design.
This is pretty much a preview of what is yet to excitingly come to the Plaza and let me tell you, Betsey Johnson is about to make a lot of girls dreams come true. With the Plaza's Live Like Eloise and Live like Eloise Slumber Party Packages already in place, the decorated suite will surely add more flare to the whole experience. Any little girl who stays at that suite will definitely feel like Eloise herself and grown women everywhere won't be able to resist playing princess all over again.
Until next time, good night and good reading!
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